
Monday, 27 February 2017

How are you building your house?

We all know that a house needs four walls to stand strong. Have you ever thought of yourself as a house? What four walls do we need to help us stay strong? NZC uses this house analogy to explain Hauora, or wellbeing. The image below shows the four parts of Hauora.

Health and Physical Education in the New Zealand Curriculum, Ministry of Education, 2007, p. 22.

How are you building your house? What are you doing to make sure those walls stay strong? What areas do you need help in?

Monday, 20 February 2017

Physical Literacy? What?!

"Physical Literacy???? I thought we just played games in PE!" This is a common comment when learners come to PE class. However, PE is more than just fun games. It's about learning about how our bodies move and improving our skills. Below is a great video friends from OPHEA Canada made to introduce Physical Literacy. What does Physical Literacy mean to you?